At the 96th meeting of the National Boating Safety Advisory Council (NBSAC) in Washington DC, Rear Admiral Paul Thomas of the U.S. Coast Guard presented ACA Chief Operating Officer Chris Stec with the USCG’s Meritorious Public Service Award.
Representing paddlesports on the Federal Advisory Council for 6 years, he served as the Chairman of the Prevention through People Subcommittee for the past 4 years.
The National Boating Safety Advisory Council provides advice and recommendations to the Secretary of Homeland Security through the Commandant of the United States Coast Guard on matters relating to recreational boating safety. The National Boating Safety Advisory Council is responsible for specific assignments and may conduct studies, inquiries, workshops and fact finding in consultation with individuals and groups in the private sector and/or with state and local government jurisdictions.
For more information about how the ACA works to help paddlers, please visit: