Not only was the ACA highlighted, but also Friends of the Rappahannock and our great home city of Fredericksbuirg, VA!
Nomination Forms are available online: www.americancanoe.org/awards
What types of boats can participate? ANY human powered craft. Sebago has an 8' wide ramp leading down to a 30' dock that has a low freeboard. If your boat is larger and cannot fit down our ramp, you can launch from one of our neighbor s concrete boat ramps. We have the facility to launch any boat of any size and weight. The ONLY RESTRICTION is that to enter Jamaica Bay you have to go under a bridge with a 28' clearance at mean high tide. We ask that any person with a boat that cannot fit down our ramp should let us know so we can arrange for you to moor and launch at one of the adjoining clubs.
View the ACA Event Calendar for paddling opportunities across the country.