Amy and Dave Freeman. (Photo credit: Nate Ptacek, instagram @arborealis.) |
National Geographic's
Adventurers of the Year, Dave and Amy Freeman are paddling from Ely, Minnesota
to Washington, DC to raise awareness of threats to the Boundary Waters Canoe
Area Wilderness and shared waters of the Canadian border. The 100-day Paddle
to DC odyssey began Sunday, August 24 near Ely, Minnesota and ends in
Washington, D.C. on December 3 when a canoe covered with signatures to Save the
Boundary Waters arrives in the nation’s capital.
The Freemans are asking people
along the Paddle to DC route to sign their canoe to show their support for
defending the Boundary Waters from all threats, including sulfide mining.
Amy and Dave Freeman. (Photo credit: Nate Ptacek, instagram @arborealis.) |
mission is to help make sure that the Boundary Waters continue to enjoy the
federal protection that has kept them wild and unspoiled for 50 years,” said
Dave Freeman.
Here's how you can help:
(Photo credit: Nate Ptacek, instagram @arborealis.) |
Amy and Dave will be paddling through the East Coast over the next month. During their journey, they are giving presentations and asking folks to paddle with them as they pass through. So far, the couple has done 23 events attended by over 1200 people, and they have paddled with over 100 people in three different cities. As they plan for events out East, Dave and Amy would love to connect more with ACA members and clubs. Check out their video below to learn more, and discover even more ways to get involved.