Thursday, October 20, 2016

President's Award #1

We are pleased to announce that one of our Presidential Awards goes to the Los Angeles Kayak Club! This award is given to individuals for outstanding service to the ACA on a national level. 

Paul and Katherine Macey founded the Los Angeles Kayak Club (LAKC) over a decade ago and have consistently supported and led the organization to promote paddling in Southern California.  The LAKC has successfully maintained ACA Paddle America Club (PAC) status for many years and runs its annual ‘beginner trips’ on the Kern River through the ACA. 

Katherine and Paul are exemplary paddlers and stewards of the community.  They generously promote and lead kayaking activities, and both emphasize how community is a key to kayaking.  The Macey’s rally support for the annual Kern River Festival, have competed in Kayak Polo competitions around the world, and have truly build generations of kayakers, including Alex Morris and Bryant Burkhardt, two individuals serving on the California ACA State Director council.

This year, recognizing their contributions to the Los Angeles area, the Macey’s received a community award from the Los Angeles Mayor’s office! 

Katherine and Paul typify the generosity and philanthropic personality that sustains the kayaking community.  Katherine and Paul Macey are receiving the award for their generosity and leadership in supporting and building paddling communities. They use the ACA’s PAC structure for many activities and promote ACA membership, safe paddling, proper instruction, and good stewardship and community.

Thank you so much for all that you two do for the paddling community! 

If you would like more information about ACA Awards, please follow

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